THE POWER OF EFFICIENCY As a lover of efficiency, there are few things that make me happier than finding a way to do something faster and with less effort (like my old boss loved to say: “Work smarter, not harder!”). Do you have days where you find yourself spinning your wheels and the day is dragging on, while you’re stuck […]
How do you know what your business needs to survive? I’ve been mulling over that question myself since I officially started Sablewood three years ago, and after much trial and error, I think I’ve found the answer. This isn’t a guide to marketing yourself (that will come later), but this IS the first […]
I have a problem, and my problem has a name: wax seals. There’s nothing I love more than seeing a big, round disk of wax on the back of an envelope (or on any paper, tbh!) with an imprint of a crest or monogram or other cool image. I’m so jazzed about wax […]